NovelAI ControlNet Tools & New UI
We’ve completely overhauled our Image Gen UI, given you some new toys to play with, added upscaling, and increased the number of images you can generate at once.
Let’s get right to the details!
Control Tools (ControlNets)
ControlNet is here and it is powerful!
Through our various Control Tools, get even closer to generation perfection by adjusting, converting, and sculpting out that perfect image.
We understand that you need more control over the AI outputs, and that’s where our new ControlNet — Control Tools come into play:
Palette Swap
Let’s start with the Palette Swap Control Tool, which works using the line art of the base image as literal guidelines for generating the image. This tool is great for maintaining intricate details, and with the Add More Detail setting, you have even finer control.
Form Lock
Next up is Form Lock, which senses the 3D shaping of the base image and uses that to define the shape of the generated composition. This tool is best for defining character poses and angles, taking the 3D shape (‘depth map’) into consideration during generation.
If you want a simpler tool that still provides great results, try the Scribbler Control Tool. Take the overall 2D shape of an image to use as a loose base on how the composition of the final image is going to be. It’s useful if you want simpler silhouettes to define the image.
Building Control
Building Control is another great option if you want to generate buildings in your images. This tool takes straight lines from the base image and arranges architecture using those. This tool can create both the interiors and exteriors of buildings, and works best if it is also paired with a prompt for generating buildings.
The Landscaper Control Tool is designed to take the shapes in the base image to form sceneries. This tool needs a good prompt telling the AI what kind of scenery you want, but it’s great for generating beautiful landscapes.
You know and love Upload Image, but now it’s more stable and offers better picture quality — and a new name! We moved the Image Upload function as Img2Img into the Control Tool selection!

Finally Upscale has arrived to NovelAI!
Why restrict your favorite generations to our lower resolutions? Upscale any image below 1024x1024 pixels for sharper and more detailed results.
The dedicated Upscale tool increases the size of an image, without any loss of quality or introduction of visual artifacts, while making the image clearer.

Use of the Upscale function is rather straightforward. You simply click the button located above your generated image and the AI will increase its resolution by four times.
Keep in mind, however, that you can only upscale images with resolutions up to 1024x1024 pixels. Additionaly, Opus subscribers can upscale images with resolutions up to 640x640 pixels with a 0 Anlas cost.
Tip: Different than the upscaling function of the Enhance tool, the Upscale tool doesn’t apply any creative image generation over the original art. As such, no settings affect it at all, not even the written prompt.
Image Generation UI Overhaul
Optimized for creativity
We’ve rebuilt the Image Generator from scratch, putting more focus on the images and placing all of your settings in one easy-to-manage place.
Our image generation page has been completely revamped to make it even more user-friendly.

Image Generation UI Changes:
- The generation settings and prompt input text fields are now located on the left side of the screen on desktop resolutions.
- Prompt and undesired content are now different tabs of the same input field.
Prefer the old, separate field? You can even detach the undesired content input field below the prompt input permanently!

- The history sidebar is now hideable on desktop resolutions.
- Quality tags and Undesired Content preset settings are now in “Prompt Settings,” and on mobile resolutions, the prompt is hidden in an expandable tray.
- We have renamed “Scale” to “Prompt Guidance”.
- Gone is the 50-step limitation on Img2Img generations.
- We’ve added the “Decrisper” toggle to reduce the deleterious effects of high prompt guidance on output.
- Tag suggestions can now be turned off optionally.
- Unfortunately we can no longer support the plms sampler due to incompatibility issues.
Generate more images than ever before
The max number of images you can generate at a time has been raised. Easily see all that your generation has to offer.
Set aside a Generation for later.
Feel like messing around with a certain prompt, but don’t want to lose the original to a crowded history bar?
Pin it to the side for easy and quick reference at any time.
With our new Control Tools and Upscale function, you can take your image generation experience to the next level. And with our revamped UI, it’s even easier to use our platform.
A bit too much to take in?
Please see our updated page and don’t hesitate to ask us or the community for any questions you may have.
So, what are you waiting for?
Try out all our new features and let your creativity soar!
Japanese Translation
この度、NovelAIは完全に生まれ変わりました! 画像のアップスケール機能や同時に生成できる枚数にアップデートを加え、更にControlNetを利用した、全く新しい機能も追加しています!
AI画像生成でもっと結果を調整したい? 痒い所に手が届く新機能、それがControlNetを使用したコントロールツールです:
今回のアップデートで『アップスケール』機能にも改善が加えられました! これからは低解像度の画像に我慢する必要はありません。1024x1024 ピクセル以下の画像は向上したアップスケール機能で鮮明で詳細に拡大する事が出来ます
- 画像生成の設定メニューとプロンプトの入力欄がパソコン版では左側に移動しました。
- プロンプトと除外したい要素の入力欄が統合され一つになりました。タブの選択から交互に選ぶ事が出来ます。
- しかも、もし使いづらさを感じれば別々にすることも可能! 「このタブを解除(detach the undesired content)」で元の二つのウィンドウに分ける事が出来ます。
- 画像生成の履歴を表示していた右のスライドバーも、パソコン版では隠せるようになりました。
- 品質タグと除外したい要素の設定が移動し、『プロンプト設定』に一体化しました。モバイル版ではプルダウンメニューの中に入っています。
- 『スケール』の呼称を改め、『正確度』としました。
- i2iで50ステップの制限を撤廃しました。
- 『緩和』タグを追加し、プロンプト正確度(元・スケール)が大きくなるに従って発生していた現象を軽減する事が出来ます。
- タグの入力候補予測をオフにできるようになりました。
- 誠に残念ながら、互換性の問題から、今回のアップデートでplmsサンプラーのサポートされなくなります。
そんな時は のページを見る事をおススメします! もしくは、NovelAIコミュニティや私達に直接質問してみる方が早かったりするかもしれません。気軽にDiscordのサーバーに遊びに来てください!