As alluded to in our recent Clio text model release video it’s time to bring Inpainting into NovelAI!
Inpainting is a new tool that allows you to restore or regenerate specific areas in generations or uploaded images. It allows you to select a region of the image, and change what was already there.

Some practical ways in which you can use Inpaint include:
- Partially changing the style of a picture. For example you can change the color of the hair of a character, or their clothes.
- Fixing problems with images. If you don’t like a part of an image, you can give it some more generation attempts while keeping the rest of it intact.
- Create new content in an existing picture. Add new characters or background elements. Maybe inpaint some cats on your frogs. Sky’s the limit!
To use this new feature, you can start by generating an image using one of the existing models, and then clicking on the “Inpaint” button on the top of the UI.

This will open the inpainting editor, where you can select the part of the image that will be inpainted. Once you’re done, click “Save & Close”, and then click the generate button.
You can also upload your own images to inpaint them. To do this, use the “Add a Base Image” button (same as you would for Image2Image, controlnet, etc.) and then click the “Inpaint Image” button. This will also open the inpainting editor.
Inpainting does have some limitations. Artifacts may show up in some rare cases, and unfortunately the usual limitations of image generation models still apply.
For example, it is not possible in general to use inpainting to fix hands or other similar intricate structures that the models don’t know how to generate properly to begin with. That said, it is still good to get more attempts at a particularly tricky region of your generation while keeping the rest of the image constant.
One interesting note is, we are also interested to see if pretraining with inpainting as a base task could actually yield even better results for our future image models. The reasoning for this is that the model would be able to learn structural relationships and how to place things in context.
We’ve also updated our Documentation page with the necessary information surrounding the Inpaint feature. Make sure to stop by https://docs.novelai.net/ if you run into any issues or have questions!
We’re excited to see what you’ll create with this tool, and how it will transform your new or existing generations to give them new meanings!

既存の絵の中に新しいコンテンツを作成し、新しいキャラクターや背景を追加。池の中のカエルの上にネコを置いてみたり? これまで描けなかった複雑なモノにもチャレンジしましょう!
新たに生成する場合、まずは画像を生成しましょう! この時に使うモデルの種類は問いません!

選択が完了したら、「Save & Close/保存して閉じる」をクリックし、生成ボタンをクリックします。
その場合は、まず「参照用画像を追加」ボタン(i2i、controlnetを使う前に押すボタンです)を使い、画像をインポートします。次に「Inpaint Image/画像をインペイント」ボタンをクリックします。