Clio for all NovelAI Subscription Tiers & Free Trial, Text Adventure for Editor V2

NovelAI is pleased to announce that NAILM 3B, the first proprietary model tailored for storytelling, Clio, is now available on all subscription tiers and the Free Trial.

We’ve decided to launch Clio at the following context windows for each NovelAI subscription tier:
3072 Context for Tablet.
6144 Context for Scroll.
8192 Context for Opus.
Context is how all of the information in your story is shown to the AI. All of your stories’ text, Memory, Author’s Note, and active Lorebook entries are formatted into one large block. A larger context size means you can provide more information to the AI to look back on during your writing, and enter more information into your Lorebook and Memory box!
It is possible that these limits may be revised in the future, depending on server load and costs.
NovelAI is also resetting the free trial period to let you experience our unique new storytelling model before you subscribe.
Even as a small proof of concept model, we believe Clio’s performance far surpasses that of our existing models, Euterpe and Krake. In terms of knowledge, Clio is equipped with general events up until 2023, and she can adhere to a variety of formats (Adventure, Chat), if you provide her with enough data to work off of.
It is important to keep in mind that this proof of concept model is tailored to storytelling with some additional formats and features — the more examples you provide to the AI, the easier it is for it to continue in the same vein. Not as an instruct model, but rather as a collaborative writing partner.
If you are interested in Clios finer details please feel free to read up on them in our last blog post: A New Model — Clio is coming to NovelAI

We’re also excited to bring the Text Adventure UI to Editor V2!
Text Adventure finally gets a much-needed facelift for Editor V2! The Text Adventure UI and Module are now compatible with the older AI models and you can experience an improved TA experience with Clio, our proof-of-concept model. Rather than using a specific Text Adventure Module, Clio uses her general finetune capabilities.
Additional Update Notes:
Enabled Clio for all Subscription Tiers.
Add Text Adventure support to Editor V2.
It’s now possible to use the Text Adventure UI on Clio.
Fixed a bug with Editor V2 where in some circumstances undoing/redoing would cause paragraphs to change position.
Fixed a bug with Editor V2 where the retry button would be disabled when it shouldn’t be.
Updated tutorial to use Clio and Editor V2.
Updated all default scenarios to use Clio.
Updated new story screen styling.
Clio is now used for story title generation.
Updated Clio Default presets:
- Changed Fresh Coffee description
- Adjusted Long Press
- Replace Keelback with Edgewise
We’re thrilled to see you write alongside Clio. Go make use of the new Free Trial, and feel free to share any exciting story snippets, feedback and suggestions!
Japanese Translation:
[更新情報] Clioが全ユーザー向けに公開されます!

前回のアップデートで登場した物語作成特化型のオリジナルAIモデル『Clioクリオ』がついに全ユーザー様向けにリリースされます! 本日より、全てのサブスクリプションレベルと無料トライアルのユーザーの皆様に公開されます。

Tablet Tier:3072コンテキスト
Scroll Tier:6144コンテキスト
Opus Tier:8192コンテキスト
『Context/コンテキスト』とは、あなたの作成するストーリーの設定情報の量を示しています。あなたの「文章入力欄」、「Memory/メモリー」、「Author’s Note/著者ノート」、「アクティブなLorebook/ロアーブック」の内容は、すべて1つの大きな情報のブロックに変換されて記憶されています。コンテキストのサイズが大きいと、執筆中にAIが記憶し、物語に反映する情報をより多く提供でき、LorebookやMemoryの欄にもより多くの情報を入力できます!
もっとClioに興味をもっていただけた方は前回ブログ “ニューモデル『Clioクリオ』登場!” をチェックして詳細を見ていただけたら嬉しいです。日本語翻訳版は英語版の下にあります!
どうか無料トライアルを活用し、Clioで沢山遊んでみてください! 皆さんが書いたエキサイティングな創作を共有したり、フィードバック、提案なども自由に送ってくださいね!!